Thursday, July 30, 2009


Love is what keeps the world spinning in a circle.Without it we would all die from killing each other or by going crazy.Love is a wonderful thing.Try going without and boom you probaly go crazy .So love everone and everything and you will get that love and acceptance back.Some people dont have love flowing through their system so it might not work on them.Love is like your commander but without the bossing around and yelling.Love is YOU.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I bet ten dollars that you have seen at least ten of these flying around this month.About a million are used each and every day.So what the point they are bags,there is nothing wrong here.UMM......hate to break it to you,but this is a problem.since about a million is used each day they are making more and more which causes pollution,and not only that but plastic bags are left everywhere.YOUR POINT,PLEASE???This is also pollution.Also,do you know those poor animals they are dieing each day with our help all from plastic bags.First,the animal might think its food or there is food in it.Next,it eats it up and chokes and dies.Finally,the plasticstay in the animals body for another animal to die.You can help.Tell your parents to stop using plastic bags and to bye bags not made of plastic.Thank you for your time and go help our planet!!!